Sridevi Joshi

Sridevi Joshi


Sridevi Joshi received a Bachelor of Technology(B.Tech) from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Madras and a double MS in Computer Engineering and Materials Science from the University of Southern California, Los Angeles. She also holds a certificate in CyberSecurity from George Washington University in D.C. Sridevi has many years of experience in technology having worked in companies like Rockwell Semiconductors and Broadcom developing cutting edge technology in Integrated Circuit design. She holds patents in IC chip design and is experienced in software design and architecture with an emphasis in cybersecurity. She also has extensive leadership and operational experience setting up key processes in early growth companies. She and her team, architected and designed a CyberRisk Quantification Tool that is in use by companies worldwide. As a founding member of Veribo Analytics, she works closely with clients in developing and refining their cyber risk strategies.
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